Flights to Bonaire

From the Netherlands

If you want to fly to Bonaire from the Netherlands, you have two options. Both TUI and KLM offer flights from Schiphol Airport to Kralendijk on Bonaire. If you fly to Bonaire with KLM, you will make a stopover on Aruba. The flight time with KLM via Aruba to Bonaire is about 12 hours.

The other option is to book a ticket with TUI. TUI also combines the flight from Amsterdam to Bonaire with another destination on the outward journey. Currently, on the flight to Bonaire you will make a stop in Aruba, Curaçao or in Punta Cana (Dominican Republic) en route. If you fly with TUI, take into account a flight duration of about 13 hours on the outward journey.

Currently, both TUI and KLM fly daily from Amsterdam to Bonaire.

From the United States of America

If you want to get to Bonaire from the United States of America, you have plenty of options. Several airlines depart from airports across the country to the island. We list below the direct flights you can book to Bonaire.

The fastest way to reach Bonaire from the United States of America is to fly from Miami, Florida. American Airlines will fly you to the island in about 2.5 hours. Three flights are offered weekly. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, AA flies from Miami to Bonaire and back. 

Bonaire is also accessible nonstop with United Airlines. This airline even offers direct flights from two places from the United States of America. From Houston (Texas), the flight to Bonaire takes about 5 hours. This flight is once a week on Saturdays. The return trip, from Bonaire to Houston is one day later, on Sunday. Bonaire can also be reached directly from Newark (New Jersey). From this airport near New York City, United Airlines flies to Bonaire's airport in about 5 hours. This flight is also offered once a week on Saturdays.

Finally, Bonaire is also accessible nonstop from Atlanta. The flight time from Atlanta (Georgia) is about four and a half hours. This flight is also operated once a week on Saturdays.

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